Karuvepillai Podi

Cuisinart SmartPower Deluxe Blender (Google Affiliate Ad)                                                             
                                                                   Curry Leaf Powder
                                                                {Karuvepillai Powder}

Curry Leaves                - 1 cup [as like a soup bowl]
Thuvar dhal                  - 2/3 cup
Channa dhal                 -1/2 cup
Red chilli/ Green chilli   - 4-5[chopped into pieces]
Mustard                      -1 tsp
Fenugreek seeds         -1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds               -2 tsps
Pepper                       -2 tbsps
Tamarind                   little[small goose berry size]
Asafoetida                 -1 pinch

Take a pan ,add some oil.
Keep the flame in medium and start roasting .First add mustard, fenugreek, cumin,pepper.
Then Channa, thuvar ,red chilli, tamarind , salt and curry leaves .
Take care not to burn it. Fry it till the curry leaves starts to break when we touch a leaf.
Then add asafoetida and remove it and allow it to cool
Grind and store it in air tight container
Serve it for hot rice and idli/dosa with oil/ghee
