Peanut Chutney

                                                     Peanut Chutney

Peanut Chutney is a tastier south indian chutney [from Andra].It is very healthy and very favorite for many.
Peanut or Groundnut , whatever we call is loved by everyone as just like that boiled or roasted, salted or added to bhel, rice,or as chikki... It is a healthier snack.

  • Peanuts have protein,niacin,folate and phytosterols than any nut.
  • Peanuts are naturally cholestrol free.
  • Peanuts and peanut butter contains over 30 essential  nutrients and phytonutrients.
Shall we come to the chutney today.Peanut chutney is very easy to make and it goes well with Idlis,dosas......

Roasted Peanuts               -1/2 cup
Urad dhal                         -2 tbsps
Red chillies                       -3-4[depending upon how spicy you want]
Onion                               -1/2 chopped
Tamarind                          -little gooseberry size 
Salt to taste
oil                                -1tsp
mustard                        -1 tsp
urad                             -1/2tsp
curryleaves                   few

Now take a pan and heat it in a medium flame and add oil little.
Then add the urad dhal of 2 tbsps and fry little bit and add red chillies.
Then add onion and saute till the raw smell goes.
Now switch it off and with that add the tamarind,salt and grind it in a mixie/food processor.
After grinding it little bit add the roasted peanuts to it and grind it with little water as needed.
Put the ground chutney in a serving bowl and for seasoning heat the pan.
Add oil to it and when it is hot add mustard and urad and let it for a minute and add curry leaves and remove.
Pour this in the chutney and serve with hot idlis/ dosas.... Peanut Chutney
