Green Tomato Masala

                          Green Tomato Masala

                  Call it a green tomato pachadi or masala it goes well with rice roti or idli/dosa. In this recipe we can use either only  green tomatoes  or mix of green tomatoes and red tomatoes. This dish is slightly sweet, little sour and we  make it spicy with red chilli powder.
                      Today the tomatoes are from our garden. As usual from the garden to the table vegetables are more tastier than the store bought ones as it is organic.[ My husband doesn't use any store fertilizer...naturally grown...I really appreciate his interest in gardening as I get lot of tastier vegetables...]

Lets go the recipe
Green tomatoes -------- 10 [as they are small]
red tomatoes      --------2   [some were ripe so I added 2 of it]
onion                  --------1/4 cup chopped
ginger paste        --------1 tsp
garlic paste         -------- 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder---------1/4 tsp
red chilli powder--------1/2 tsp[depends upon as spicy you need]
salt  to taste
Mashed cooked thuvar dhal----1 tbsp.[optional]
coriander             -------- to garnish
mustard               -------- 1/2 tsp
curry leaves        -------- few

Heat a pan
Then add some oil to it [2tsp] .Add mustard to it and let it splutter.
Now add onion and curry leaves to it and sauté .
Then add ginger and garlic paste. Stir for few minutes by adding turmeric powder and salt till the raw smell of onion goes.
Now add the tomatoes to it and stir for few minutes.
Then add red chilli powder to it.
Let it cook nicely till all the tomatoes get mashed up . If needed you can add little water to it.
Don't add to much water as you don't want it watery
When all the tomatoes are cooked well add the mashed thuvar dhal
This step of adding dhal is optional and without it also it tastes really good.
Mix well  and garnish it coriander and off the stove .
Serve with Rice/Roti/Idli/Dosa
Tasty Green tomato masala is ready from the Garden to Table
