Bread Pizza

                When you say Pizza the Kids just love it .It is easy to make them eat good and healthy by littlebit choosing the right ingredients. This Bread Pizza is very easy to make and quick one too. Just littlebit preparations you can make them just before they arrive from school and use most of the vegetables.

Wheat Bread  - 4-5
Tomato sauce - 1/2 cup
Cheese           - 1 cup ( Shredded)(Mix of mozarrella, and cheddar )
Orange Capsicum - 1 chopped finely
Yellow Capsicum - 1 chopped finely
Broccoli            - few chopped

Take the bread
Spread the tomato sauce on each bread.
Then add the toppings of capsicum, broccoli and any other vegetables.
Now Sprinkle the Cheese on top of the vegetables .
Take the electric griddle and heat it to 350 degree.
Then toast it for few minutes and  the cheese melts and the bread will become little crispy.
Remove it and serve it as snack and the kids will ask for more for sure.
Soooo Delicious...
