Ghee/ Clarified Butter

              Hello everyone it is good to see you .It has been a while i posted as too many things going on .With lot of virus around ,weather being cold we need a strong immune system to protect ourselves . We have to consume food that boost our immune system. One we could do easily is that take ghee with our food which helps in strengthen the immune system.We can make ghee easily .
             Ghee is nothing but clarified unsalted butter.
Ghee benefits

Now to the recipe
Unsalted Butter- 1 lb
 peppercorns(optional)-1/4 tsp
Curry leaves

Heat a 3 qt sauce pan .
Add the butter  and heat it in a medium flame.
Keep stirring and checking constantly as we don't want it to get burnt.
Add the peppercorns and curry leaves and it is optional. It gives a nice taste and smell to it.I love it
When it turns clear (as shown in the picture) switch off the flame and ghee is ready to use .
Store either in stainless steel container or glass mason jar.
Ghee is ready to use. It is easy right.
