Garlic Podi

                             GARLIC PODI is one of my favorite and another variety that can be used with Idli, Dosa.It is tasty with flavor of garlic .Lets just go to the recipe quickly.
We don't need so many ingredients ,just only few.Here i am using the easy version of garlic.I chose garlic powder.

1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder = 1 garlic clove. I have taken 2 tsp garlic powder which is equal to 16 cloves of garlic.


Channa dhal   -1/2 cup
Urad     dhal    -1/2 cup
salt                  - 1 tsp
Asafoetida      -1/4 tsp
 Red Chilli      - 7 ( we can reduce the number of chilli if you need less spicy)
Garlic Powder- 2tsp
oil                   -1 tsp

Heat a Pan. Keep the heat in the medium. Add oil to it.
When hot add the channa dhal and keep on mixing till it changes to golden brown. ( we keep on mixing so that it evenly gets roasted to golden brown)
Then remove it in a bowl. Now add the Urad and roast it till golden brown in the same way.
After it is done pour it in the bowl.
Then roast the chilli till it gets crisp and put in the same bowl
Then roast salt, Asafoetida , Garlic powder for few seconds.
Allow it to cool and then grind it
Yummy Garlic powder is ready.Serve it with Idli, Dosa or rice with Ghee or gingelly oil
