Banana Stem Poryial

The Banana Stem is really not a stem,it is the flower stalk of the Banana Plant. The thick the stalks grow up from the ground and form the backbone of the plant. Banana stem has a crisp texture and a mild flavor, both little sweet and tart with a slightly bitter after taste. Banana stem is rich in fiber and helps in weight loss. Its fiber content creates a feeling of satisfaction and reduces the intake of food. It also helps to relieve constipation. Banana Stem is rich in Potassium and vitamin B6

The Banana Stem which i am using today is very Special as it is home grown and came from our garden."From Garden to Table"😄😄

When you prepare the Banana Stem for the cooking we have to do little extra work in cleaning it but it is worth of its benefits to our health.


First wash the Banana Stem . Then it has outer layer  which we need to remove. Have a bowl of water mixed with little bit of buttermilk/yogurt ready.Then slice it into a thin round first and take the fiber kind of thing that comes out . Remove those and then stack the round slices and cut into julienne and add it in the bowl of water so that it doesn't change the color.Continue this till you have chopped full stem or the amount you need.

For Poriyal the Ingredients are

Banana Stem - chopped 1 bowl

Onion - 1/4 cup (optional)

Curry leaves few

Urad - 1/2 tsp

Cumin - 1/2 tsp

Oil - 2 tsp

Red chilli - 1

salt - 1/2 tsp

Turmeric - 1/2 tsp

Split Moong dhal - 1/2 cup cooked

First lets cook the Bannana Stem . 

For this heat a Pan with little water and then add the chopped banana stem without water to it.. Add little turmeric and cook it till it is tender. Switch off the flame and let it cool little. Now drain and squeeze the water. Now ready for Poriyal.

Heat a pan. Add oil to it. 

Add the urad and cumin.Saute till it slightly brown and then add the onion , chilli. 

Then add the curry leaves. Saute. Now add the cooked and squeezed banana stem to it and saute for few minutes. Add salt as needed. 

After sauteing for few minutes add the  cooked split moong dhal (cooked perfectly and not mashed ). Saute for few minutes and then switch off the stove . Transfer to a serving bowl and serve with hot rice.

Yummy Healthy Banana Stem Poriyal is ready 

