Pulikkaichal/Puliyoghare Mix


Tamarind - 1 lemon size ( soak in 1 cup of water)

Mustard - 1tsp

Channa dhal - 2 tsps

fenugreek- 1/4 tsp

Asafoetida -pinch

Red Chilli - 2-4

salt- 1 tsp

roasted peanuts - 1 tbsp

turmeric- 1/2 tsp

coriander powder - 1 &1/2 tsp 

fenugreek powder - 1/4 tsp ( made from roasted fenugreek)

oil - 2tsp

Gingelly oil- 1-2 tsp (optional)

Heat a Pan. Keep the flame in medium. Add oil. When it is hot add the mustard,channa dhal, asafoetida.

When it starts to pop and channa dhal starts to brown add the turmeric and red chilli. 

Add little tamarind water and then the coriander powder. Then add the remaining tamarind water.

It will start to boil ,then add the curry leaves. Let it boil and then add salt. 

Close it with a lid. It will boil and reduce to half .

Add the roasted peanuts removing the skin. Adding the peanuts is optional but i prefer it as it gives a nice tamarind taste when it gets cooked in it.

It will start to become thick and we can see the oil leaving out on the sides which says its ready

Just before switching off  add the fenugreek powder. Don't cook it much after adding it as it might give a bitter taste.

 When you see the oil separating it is ready.

Now you can store in a air tight  glass container

Use this mix and make Puliyoghare rice just by mixing it to a hot rice or with cold rice , then heat it.
