Karuvepilai Thuvaiyal / Curry Leaves Thuvaiyal

  This Thuvaiyal is made with curry leaves and it is very delicious. It is easy to make too. It goes well with Rice too. Jumping to the recipe we need the following

Coconut - 1/2 cup

onion- 1/2 cup

tomato - 1 chopped

Red chilli - 2

Tamarind- small gooseberry size

Channa dhal - 1 tbsp

Curry Leaves / Karuvepilai - 3/4 cup

salt- 3/4 tsp

oil - 1tsp

Heat a Pan . Add oil. When hot add the channa dhal and sauté it. When it slightly turns golden brown add the onion and saute it for few seconds.

Then add the tomato , red chilli and saute it.

Then add the tamarind, curry leaves, salt and saute it for few minutes. 

Then add the coconut and mix it for a minute and turn off the stove. 

Allow it to cool . 

Grind it in the mixie. and your Karuvepillai Thuvaiyal is ready

Serve it with Idli /Dosa/Rice.
