Oats Idli

    Today's recipe is another version of oats Idli with rice, Urad and of course oats. easy to make . Just follow the recipe you will get delicious Idlis.

Raw rice - 2 cups

Urad dhal - 1cup

Oats  - 2 cups

salt - 1  1/2tsp

Eno - 1 tsp (optional)

Soak the rice , urad  for 3-4 hours.

Half an hour before grinding soak the oats with water

Grind Rice and Urad to smooth paste  . At the add the oats and grind with it.

Remove in a bowl and add salt. Mix well

Let it ferment for 6-8 hours or leave it overnight to ferment

Next day prepare the Idli pan and 

Mix the dough by adding Eno to it, This step is completely optional { As I am using Raw rice I use Eno for this. If you are using Idli Rice, no need for Eno}

Pour it in Idli Plate

Steam it for 15-20 minutes.

Delicious soft Idlis will be ready

Serve it with Sambhar/Chutney or Idli Powder.
