Cauliflower Lemon Rice

 The name of the recipe is misleading . It doesn't have rice in it . But it tastes like rice. It is very healthy . For this recipe we need very few ingredients and it is very easy and we can make it in minutes once you have the cauliflower ready .

Cauliflower  - 1 cup Shredded
Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
Mustard - 1/2 tsp
Urad dhal - 1/2 tsp
Channa dhal - 1/2 tsp
Asafoetida - 1 pinch
Curry leaves  - 1 sprig
Ginger -1/4 tsp (chopped finely/julienne)(Optional)
Green Chilli - 1 
Coriander - 1 tbsp chopped
Lemon juice 1 tbsp / lemon

Break the Cauliflower florets and shred it in the food processor
In the food Processor pulse it , to shred it.
You can take a microwave safe bowl and cook the shredded cauliflower for 1-2 minutes . This step is completely optional. This is just to speed up the process 
Take a pan  and heat it . 
Add 2 tsp oil to it . 
Add the mustard, urad, channa dhal
Then add the chilli , curry leaves , cashews (optional). Then add the Cauliflower (shredded)to  it and saute for 4-5 minutes. Don't let it burn. The Cauliflower will be cooked after 5 minutes. Remove from the stove and when it little cool down add the lemon juice and coriander leaves . Serve hot or cold . It is very Yummy.
