Vegetarian Crunch Wrap Supreme

 Today's recipe is Mexican food. It is simple and easy if we make little preparation early. Just make a few things ahead and your lunch/dinner will be a breeze and hit among the Kids and adults. Adjust the spice and the way you make it to your style, still, it will be a hit.

First, prepare the pinto beans masala

Pinto Beans - 1 cup cooked

curry powder- 1/2 tsp

cumin powder- 1tsp

oil - 1tsp


turmeric- 1/8 tsp optional

Now heat a pan. Add oil

When it is hot add the cooked pinto beans, curry powder, salt, turmeric, cumin powder

Stir fry and mix it for 3-4 minutes and it will be done. Remove from the heat and slightly mash it

Keep it in a bowl for preparing the taco

{this is a kind of meat substitute as I am a vegetarian. We can use black beans too instead of pinto beans)

I did make a few adjustments and made it my kid's favorite

Tortilla- 1 pack (bigger size)

Tortilla- 1 pack ( smaller size)

Tostadas- 1 pack 

Lettuce- chopped  1cup

Tomatoes- chopped 1 cup

Onion- 1/2cup chopped

Pinto Beans Masala - mashed 1 cup

Shredded cheese- 1 cup

Salsa - 1/2 cup ( optional )

sour cream

Taco sauce

Chipotle Ranch Dressing- completely optional

  First, let's prepare/assemble it. Take 1 big Tortilla.

Spread the chipotle sauce. Then the mashed Beans masala

Next, add the salsa and spread it.

Then place the tostadas. Spread the sour cream on it

Add the shredded/chopped lettuce followed by tomatoes

Add the taco sauce on top of it. Then add the shredded cheese 

Cover it with a small tortilla and fold close it with the big tortilla.

Heat a pan. Apply little oil. When hot place the prepared crunch wrap with folded side first so it cooks to hold the shape.

Then flip and cook on the other side for 1-2 minutes till it slightly turns golden.

Take it out and cut the middle and serve 

Delicious Vegetarian Crunch Wrap Supreme is ready
