Ridge Gourd Peel Chutney/ Peerkangai Thuvaiyal

 The Ridge Gourd is a popular vegetable used in Indian cooking. It comes in two variants – one with a smooth surface and the other with a ridged texture. Locally, it goes by various names like “Turai” in Hindi, “Jhinge” in Bengali, “Beerakaya” in Telugu, and “Peerkangaai” in Tamil. It is a green fleshy vegetable having an inherently bland taste. It is commonly used to prepare many regular dishes such as pakoras, sambhar, dal, chutney, and raita, after being adequately seasoned with spices, to enhance its flavor. Despite not appealing to many people's taste buds, Ridge gourd has many health benefits. It is rich in essential components like dietary fibers, water content, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6. It is naturally low in calories, unhealthy saturated fats, and cholesterol. Furthermore, it is rich in antioxidants and alkaloid compounds, which regulate metabolism and eliminate toxins from the body.

This popular vegetable has various recipes but using its peels is a new exciting way of adding taste and nutrients to our plate Why waste the peel which gives you a lot of health benefits.

It is easy to make and can be served with Rice/ Idli/Dosa

Ridge Gourd Peel - 1 cup ( when peeled from 1 ridge gourd it will be 1 cup. Washed. I threw away the hard edge part. Please refer to the pic)

onion - 1 chopped 

tomato- 2 chopped ( it should come around 1/2 cup)

Red chili- 2 

tamarind - small gooseberry size

salt- 1tsp

Coconut - 1/2 cup ( I used coconut milk cubes)

Channa Dhal - 2 tbsp

Asafoetida - 1 pinch

oil - 2 tsp


oil - 2 tsp

mustard- 1/2 tsp

urad - 1/2 tsp

curry leaves few

Heat a Pan. Add oil to it

When it is hot, add the channa dhal. Saute till it turns golden brown. Then add the asafoetida and then add the onion. 

Saute for a few minutes. Then add the red chili, salt, and mix

 After that add the Ridge Gourd peel, and saute'. 

Keep on stirring with gaps and let the peels cook and soften a little bit.

Then add the tomatoes and tamarind. Cook till the tomato softens. 

Then add the coconut for 2-3 minutes and remember to mix in the middle here and there to prevent burning the vegetables.

Switch off the stove and let it cool.

Put the cooled mix and grind it in a mixie to a smooth consistency

Now transfer to the serving bowl 

Now for the seasoning, heat a small Kadai

Add oil to it, When hot add the mustard, and when it pops add the urad dhal.

When it turns golden brown add the curry leaves and switch it off

Pour the seasoning into the Ridge Gourd Peel Chutney/ Peerkangai Thuvaiyal.

Now delicious, healthy Ridge Gourd Peel Chutney/ Peerkangai Thuvaiyal is ready to serve with hot rice/idli/dosa.
