Broccoli chips in Air Fryer

 Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable but very challenging to make kids eat. 

But chips are Kid's favorite. So I thought🤔 why not mix them both and try Air Fry it, making it more adult's favorite too

It is very simple to make it if you have the Air Fryer. Less oil, no mess

Shall we Proceed...mmm

Broccoli - 2 cups separated into small flowers

olive oil- 3 tsp

garlic powder - 2 tsp ( add more if you love garlic or less if you don't like it)

onion powder - 1 tsp (optional)

salt to taste

Black pepper- 1/2 tsp

First, put the broccoli in boiling water for a minute and drain the water and keep it aside

Let the water drain and then transfer it to a mixing bowl.

Add the broccoli, olive oil, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper.

Mix well. 

Plug in the Air fryer. If needed grease the bottom inside the pan with little olive oil( this is completely optional)

Add the broccoli mix and close the lid

Set the temperature to 375°F and the timer to 10 minutes.

Start it and mix it when it is 5 minutes remaining

When there are 3 minutes remaining increase the temperature to 400°F and then air fry for the remaining minutes.

After it is done carefully transfer it to a serving bowl and enjoy the chips just like that.

To cheese it up sprinkle the Romano cheese or Parmesan cheese.

Yummy, yummy😋😋😋😋
