Masala Peanuts/ Spicy Peanuts in Air fryer

 Spicy Peanuts is an easy-to-make crunchy snack. This easy snack can be made in an Air Fryer in 12 minutes

Raw Peanuts - 4 ounces

Dhaba Masala - 3/4 tsp { Any curry powder or masala powder can be used instead }

Chili powder - 1/4 tsp

Garam Masala powder - 1/4 tsp

salt  - 1/4 tsp

Chat masala - 1/4 tsp (optional) (when using chat powder if needed reduce the salt)

Oil- 1/2 tsp

In a bowl mix all the ingredients and put this mix in Air Fryer.

Close the lid. Set the temperature to 345 degrees Fahrenheit and the timer to 12 minutes.

Start the Air Fryer.

When it is 6 minutes done, open the air fryer and mix it. Close it again. 

After the remaining minutes done , wear an oven Mitt and transfer it to the serving bowl.

Let it cool down 


To check whether it is done or needs time , you should be able to remove the skin easily when rub between your fingers
