Dhokla with Green Moong and Rice


Today's recipe is Dhokla with Green Moong and Rice. It is very different and moong being used in place of urad is twist. Can call it as PESARATTU DHOKLA😉😉😉

Simple and easy to make. Let's make it

With this measurement  we can make 3-4 plates of Dhokla

Raw Rice- 4 cups

Green Moong - 1 cup {Whole Moong}

salt - 2tsp

Greenchilli - 1-2

Ginger - 1/2 tsp powder ( If using fresh about 1/2 tsp chopped)

Cumin - 1 tsp 

Eno- { we will need 1/2 tsp for each plate of Dhokla}


oil- 2tsp

mustard -  1 tsp

Green chilli - 1 chopped

Curry leaves few

sesame seeds - 1/2 tsp {optional}

Now soak the rice and moong for about 4-6 hours.

Then grind it like you are grinding for Idli/ Dosa

While grinding add the salt, cumin, ginger and chilli too.

Mix and allow to ferment.

The next day we can  make Dhokla 

Get the steaming plate and set ready.

Grease the Dhokla Pan with a little oil.

In a bowl take around 7 spoons of the fermented dough{I use a stainless steel box for making dhokla. Let's call  that Dhokla box/plate I use around 7 spoons/ladle }

Mix 1/2 tsp of Eno in it. 

Then pour it in the greased dhokla box/plate, place it inside the steamer on a medium flame, and close and steam for about 15-20 minutes.

We can check like cake. When you insert a knife/toothpick it should come clean.

Remove the Dhokla pan and allow it to cool

For seasoning 

Add oil and heat it

Add the mustard, sesame seeds(optional)chopped green chilli (optional), and curry leaves(optional). When it pops switch off the stove and pour it on top of the Dhokla, add the coriander  and slice it

Serve this delicious Dhokla with green chutney and enjoy
